What is Cloudsim?
Cloudsim is an extensible simulation toolkit or software framework that enables modelling and simulation of cloud computing systems and application provisioning environments. The cloudsim toolkit supports both system and behavioural modelling of cloud system components such as data centers, virtual machines, resource provisioning policies etc.
Why do we need Cloudsim?
Using a real cloud computing environment such as Google App Engine, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure etc. is not feasible due to the following reasons:
A cloud system can have varying demand and supply patterns, and resource configurations.
Users can have varying requirements.
Applications may have varying performance requirements.
So basically, it is difficult and cumbersome, and also costly, to use real infrastructure when we need only to test our exact requirements. Hence, the need for a simulation tool.
Main features of Cloudsim
Some of the prominent functionalities of cloudsim include support for modelling and simulation of large scale cloud computing data centers, visualised server hosts, user defined policies for allocation of host and resources to virtual machines, energy efficient computational resources, data center network topologies and network passing applications, simulation of federation clouds, dynamic insertion of simulation elements.
Cloudsim Architecture
Classes in Cloudsim
- Datacenter Broker: Acts as broker between SaaS and cloud providers.
- Datacenter: Set of heterogeneous or homogeneous computer hosts that work together.
- Datacenter characteristics: Configuration details of data center resources.
- VMM Allocation Policy: Policies for allocating hosts and resources to virtual machines, used by the VM monitor.
- Cloud Coordinator: Extends cloud based data center to federation.
- Sensor: Instantiates sensor components.
- Network Topology: Simulated network.
- SAN Storage: storage area network in cloud based data centers to store data.
- Cloudlet: to model cloud-based application services, cloud model.
- VM: virtual machine model.
- Cloudlet Scheduler: schedules processor/processing power among cloudlets in a VM.
- Host: physical resource model.
- BW Provisioner: Policy model to provision bandwidth to VMs.
- VM Scheduler: Policy models to allocate processor cores to VMs.
- RAM Provsioner: provisioning policy to allocate main memory to VMs.
- http://www.cloudbus.org/cloudsim/
- http://www.buyya.com/papers/CloudSim2010.pdf
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CloudSim
Saturday 10 September 2016